Bitgert: The Altcoin That Could Make You a Fortune This Week – Here’s How to Get In!


Bitgert coin’s massive pump on the way. Are you ready to jump in?

BRISE has been trending everywhere and the community has been bullish on this project since their inception in 2021.

Bitgert (BRISE) is an affordable and highly-scalable Crypto platform for various Web3 projects like metaverse, NFTs, Decentralised Finance (DeFi), etc. They were one of the projects building throughout the bear market.

The fact that it has its own centralised exchange is a strong indicator of its commitment to providing a robust and comprehensive ecosystem for its users, potentially fostering greater adoption and liquidity.

Bitgert coin has seen an impressive increase of 18.82% in the last 7 days. And a 71.64% increase in the last month. It has managed to give its early backers impressive returns.

The altcoin which can make you a millionaire? 

There have been a lot of consistent developments worth noticing which are responsible for the pump in price.

Coin98 wallet has incorporated Bitgert blockchain. Coin98 is a full-fledged financial platform.

Bitgert has also gone multichain with XP.NETWORK NFT Bridge!

This means that users can now easily move their NFTs across different chains, such as Ethereum, BSC, Solana, Polygon, and 25+ more, to Bitgert without losing their metadata, logic, or collection name. They can also access a wider market and audience for their NFTs, as well as enjoy lower fees and faster transactions.

It is all set to be listed on a major European exchange.

How to get in?

Simply sign up on Bitget, complete the identity verification process, and make payments using bank transfers, debit cards, or credit cards, all while ensuring security through crypto wallets. This is a widely adopted method to buy Bitgert.

Bitget Convert offers a secure, swift, and zero transaction fee method to convert crypto to Bitgert. Just choose your available crypto assets, specify the amount for the Bitgert swap, confirm, and check Bitgert instantly credited to your spot account. Ensure sufficient account balance before proceeding with the conversion.

Unlike buying or selling crypto, swapping does not access traditional financial rails since fiat currencies are not involved. Bitget Swap supports over 250,000 cryptocurrencies on 30 major blockchains including Ethereum, Polygon, and Solana. You can exchange any other crypto to Bitgert anytime, anywhere, including cross-chain transactions. Transaction gas fees are automatically converted.

Investing in Bitgert has never been easier.

About the project – Bitgert is a DeFi-focused blockchain launched in 2021. The BRISE Chain relies on a system of proof-of-authority (PoA) to support short block times and low fees. The blockchain also boasts zero gas fee and being the fastest growing ecosystem in the industry. 

To know more about Bitgert, Visit

Buy Bitgert coin from the below exchanges now!


Buy on Kucoin – BRISE/USDT




Buy on Pancakeswap

Buy on Uniswap


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